How to Attach a Porch Roof to a Brick House Properly in 4 Steps

Roofed porches can be a perfect place to unwind and lounge outside. But attaching porch roof to your brick house is rather complicated because it requires tricky steps and precise measurement.

Learn how to attach a porch roof to a brick house here and improve your building skills.

Set up the Upper Ledger

how to attach a porch roof to a brick house

Before starting the project, collect the tools and equipment so you don’t have to go back and forth to the garage. Things you will need during the process commonly include heavy-duty bolts, screws, different pieces of wood, plywood, roofing tacks.

To start the process, you can begin with marking at the top of the ledger site on your brick wall. It will show the top level and the height of the ledger. Porch beam and landing area will be anchored to this ledger board later.

The next step is measurement. You need to measure the length of the ledger board before attaching it to the brick house. Also, don’t forget to measure the porch width to determine how many rafters you need as well as plywood sheets.

Install the Posts and Beam

Install the Posts and Beam

After completing the ledger, you can start installing the post. This part of how to attach a porch roof to a brick house is tricky because you have to precisely measure the same height for each post for even roofing. During this stage, you should also install the beam.

Fasten the rafter to the beam and make sure it is not shaky. The number of rafters depend on the width of your porch. Three to four rafters are enough for standard porch roof. Put a brace on them to keep them in place as well as square up the roof.

Next, set the plywood at the right position and secure it using the screws. Double check the screw so the plywood doesn’t slip off when the shingles are installed.

Install the Porch Roof

Install the Porch Roof

The next step of attaching patio roof to house is installing the shingle mold. You can incorporate cedar trims to hold the edge of the shingles. Once installed, cut the edge for a perfect look. Be sure to check the installation properly before you finish the project.

Your Porch Is Complete

Your Porch Is Complete

Now your porch is complete. How to attach a porch roof to a brick house is not a simple process but the result is worth the effort. The beautiful covered porch is going to be a new favorite spot where you can appreciate the nature or unwind.

This porch roof attachment process does not include flashing against bricks. Deck flashing comes with a lot of benefits but it is not always required. When you need to cover an exterior wall to protect it from weather condition, deck flashing can be considered.

There are so many reasons to attach a porch roof to your house. How to attach a porch roof to a brick house isn’t a simple process and it requires excellent woodworking and building skills. If you are not confident with your capability, call the professionals to help you get the project done properly.

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