Four Letter Animals – Animals are an amazing part of the world, and there are many different types that we like to learn about.
Animals can be cute, funny, interesting or just plain weird. In this article I am going to list all of the animals with four letters in their name! Let’s get started!
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Table of Contents
Animals That Have Four Letters in Their Name!
1. Bear

Bears are an animal that many people know about. They are typically brown or black, and have a big fluffy body which is perfect for warmth!
Bears are extremely strong animals; they can do anything from climbing trees to fighting off predators with their teeth and claws.
A bear’s hibernation cycle depends on the type of bear, but most stay in bed between October and April.
2. Lion

The lion is a majestic animal that we all know about.
The lion is usually found in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. They are also one of the largest cats on Earth!
Lions have long manes which can be anywhere from brown to black, with their fur being either yellow or tawny colored.
Lions live in groups called prides; these animals hunt together for food and defend themselves against predators by working as a team.
When it comes time to eat they will take turns eating first before letting other lions share too!
3. Duck

Duck is a four letter animal that is a water bird.
This creature can be found all over the world and there are more than 50 different species of this animal!
Ducks have webbed feet for swimming, but they also use them to walk or run on land.
A duck’s bill has a long brushy section at the end which helps it find food underwater by sweeping up small fish and plants from nearby ponds!
Ducks will usually feast in groups since their bills work much better when they’re working together!
The male ducks will often mate with female ducks, who lay eggs in order to make new baby ducks.
It takes about 28 days for these eggs to hatch into cute little creatures we know as ducklings!
4. Crab

The crab basically has two hard shells which it will retreat into when threatened.
These animals are found in every ocean and they can be as small as a centimeter or so to more than 60 cm long!
The crab’s shell is made up of eight plates, with one in front that covers the animal’s head. The back end has five sections where the crabs legs attach (two on each side).
When these creatures want to move their body forward, they do this by using sideways movements with their claws while pushing down with their leg muscles.
In order for them to turn around, they use pulling motions instead of push-down moves. This helps them avoid getting stuck in corners!
5. Bull

Bulls are typically large animals with horns that can grow up to six feet long! Bulls use their horns for fighting with other bulls or males of the same species in order to impress females.
They will also go after humans if they feel threatened by them too! These kinds of cattle make up about 80% of all beef cows raised on farms around the world today.
The average lifespan of a bull ranges from 12-14 years old depending on how well cared for it is.
6. Lynx

The word lynx comes from the Latin word lynx, meaning “cat.” Lynxes are very similar to cats with their tufted ears and furry tail.
They have sharp teeth that they use for catching prey like rabbits or ground squirrels!
Lynxes can leap as far as six feet in one jump which is just about twice its body length when it’s standing still.
This helps them hunt down those small animals who might be hiding below bushes or other cover on the forest floor while also keeping an eye open for larger game.
The lifespan of a lynx varies depending on where they live but scientists believe it could range between five-eight years old, making this animal much shorter lived than some of the others listed here so far!
7. Wolf

The scientific name for the wolf is “Canis Lupus.” Wolves are a large, social animal. They live in packs and have one leader who establishes order throughout the group.
When wolves hunt for prey they will target animals like moose or deer that might be slower than other smaller prey to allow them an easier meal!
Wolves typically eat raw meat but if there’s not enough food then they can also survive on fruits as well as vegetables.
A wolf’s lifespan ranges from five-eight years old with females living longer than males because of their protective roles within the pack.
The average weight for a male wolf could range between 90-130 pounds while female averages at about 75 pounds which makes this animal one of the heavier ones on our list!
8. Oryx

When people think of Africa they may not think about oryxes, but these herbivores are native to the continent.
They’re a type of antelope and have large ears that aid in their hearing as well as having long legs for faster running!
Oryx live close to deserts so they can find plenty of water sources which include rivers, lakes, oceans, etc.
They’re related to other animals on this list like goats because both types feed off vegetation such as shrubs and trees by using their teeth and mouth to chew up plants into small pieces before swallowing them whole.
With black-and-brown fur this animal is hard to miss with its distinctive markings making it easy for predators from afar to spot without coming too close!
9. Anoa

Anoa is an animal with four letters in its name. It is an animal native to Indonesia that is a type of cattle and closely related to the water buffalo!
Anoa live on grasslands that are slightly more mountainous than other areas, which gives them higher ground to watch for predators while grazing or resting.
Their fur has brown stripes running along their back so it’s easy for us humans to distinguish between male and female Anoas before venturing out into the field where they reside!
They have large horns spiraling from their forehead up towards their skull meaning this creature could be a formidable foe if we’re not careful when walking around these fields looking at different animals.
10. Kudu

The kudu is a type of antelope with four letters in its name.
It is native to Africa, and it was originally classified as the same species as elands and other types of gazelles until recently being reclassified due to differences in their appearance such as horns!
Kudus are usually found on grassy plains where they have plenty of room for grazing.
They can reach speeds up to 55 kilometers per hour when frightened or if trying to escape an attacker which makes them difficult prey for predators that might try chasing after them like cheetahs!
11. Goat

The domestic goat is another animal that has four letters in its name. They are the most popular livestock animals, and they have been domesticated for more than ten thousand years now!
Goats can be found on farms, but some people keep them as pets too like children might do with a dog or cat.
They move fast to escape predators because they’re smaller so this makes it difficult for larger animals such as wolves or bears to catch up with them easily – if at all!
12. Frog

A frog is a type of animal that is also called an amphibian.
They are known for living in both the water and on land which means they have moist skin that helps them to breathe because their lungs cannot take in enough oxygen from a thin film like fish or reptiles would!
Frogs may be small, but they don’t stay hidden too often and can make quite a loud noise when trying to warn other animals about danger lurking near by such as human beings who might try catching them with nets – this has made these little creatures feared by some people even though there’s no need to fear frogs at all!