The vines can make the walls or canopy of the house look more beautiful. But do you know, there are two types of vines, namely vines that are blooming and which are leaves only. Don’t be wrong to choose, then confused to see your vines are not flowering huh!
To make the house become more beautiful and vibrant, it is good to choose the type of vines that are blooming continuously.
But the many types of vines sold on the market certainly make you confusion. Especially if you are not a lover of plants that memorized various types and names.
Instead of dizziness, let’s check out the list of vines that bloom continuously all the time!
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List types of vines that bloom continuously

Wisteria is a woody vine that can grow up to 20 meters long.
The life span of this plant can reach hundreds of years, as long as it is cared for properly.
You need to be careful during the nursery and transplanting process. This is what makes Wisteria quite expensive in the market.

Prefer the vines that are a lot of flowers and the most fast growing? Soapwort is the right choice.
The vines will produce small pink flowers with a sweet fragrance.
Soapwort is a vines that are easy to treat and fast to grow, because they are many who like this plant.
White Clematis

Clematis ligusticifolia is a climbing, spreading vine with showy flowers. It is also known as Old-man’s Beard and Yerba de Chiva, and Virgin’s bower.
It is native to North America where it is widespread across the western United States in streamside thickets, wooded hillsides, and coniferous forests up to 4,000 feet.

Don’t miss Bougainvillea if you’re looking for vines! The petals are paper-thin, but can last a long time without need for daily watering.
Bougainvillea is a genus of thorny ornamental vines, bushes, or trees. It is native to Eastern South America, from Brazil, west to Peru, and south to southern Argentina. Different authors accept from four to 18 species in the genus.
There are interesting facts about Bougainvillea that most people don’t realize. The purple or red petals that we think of as flowers are actually part of the leaves. The real flower is a white flower behind a veil of colored petals.
Mexican creeper

The Latin name of this plant is Antigonon Leptopus.
Antigonon Leptopus, commonly known as Coral Vine, Coralita, bee Bush or San Miguelito vine, is a species of flowering plant in the buckwheat family, Polygonaceae. It is a perennial that is native to Mexico. It is a vine with pink or white flowers.
This color combination makes Mexican Creeper a favorite vines to decorate the house.
Morning Glory

Have you heard of Morning Glory?
This plant also includes a types of vines that are always flowering. The characteristic of Morning glory is the time it only takes place in the morning.
The flowers will be purple if they get enough sunlight, but if there is a shortage of sunlight, the color will become blue.
The treatment is quite easy, you only need to do 2-2.5 months and watering every 5-7 days.
Flame of Irian
As the name suggests, the vines that continue to flowering this one originated Papua, Indonesia.
The flowers are large enough to have a reddish orange color. Although rare and relatively expensive, flame of Irian is perfect for tropical and sub tropical climates.
The growth is quite fast and easy to maintain. This plant includes a nice vines for the canopy.
Your canopy will be seen beautifully every day when decorated using the flame of Irian.
Petrea Volubilis

Petrea Volubilis is also known as the Blue Petrea, Purple Vine, Blue Bird Vine, and Queen’s Wreath.
The vine is derived from Central America, but it can also flourish in tropical climates. When viewed at a glance, it looks like lavender as it is equally purple and blooms along its trunk.
The characteristic of this flower is that, after the blooming of color will change from bright purple and then load and long to green before the fall.

If you want a vines that bloom constantly with beautiful colors, Dipladenia is the right choice.
This plant is still a family with Mandevilla, but the leaf size is smaller. At first glance, the flowers are like Adenium, with bright red color.
To grow lush, place Dipladenia in a place exposed to sunlight.

This vines are easily grown in tropical areas. It is therefore very suitable for planting in countries such as Indonesia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru and others. But you can also plant this vines in sub-tropical areas.
The more the Mandevilla is exposed to sunlight, the more flowers are growing.
The flowers resemble a red, pink, or white trumpet, with a stacked shape like a rose. Besides flowering continues, Mandevilla includes plants that do not damage the walls.
The roots of this plant are very limt and more suitable planted wrapped around iron fences.
Mandevilla is vulnerable to earthworms, therefore it is advisable to replace the planting media that you use with coconut charcoal.
How? Have you decided what kind of vines to plant?
Hopefully the information is useful.